Activities, Leisure and Lifestyle

Engaging aged care activities and lifestyle
At Narangba Aged Care, there is a range of aged care activities, events and entertainment for residents to enjoy. These activities encourage residents to not only have fun, but also cognitive, social and physical interaction. Residents have the freedom to choose to do as much or as little as they like.
Social Hub for Leisure and Lifestyle
There is a social hub located in the heart of the home which is easily accessible and hosts our exciting leisure and lifestyle program. Residents can choose to participate in aged care activities that include: group exercise classes, bingo, art and crafts, movies on the large screen TVs, sing-a-longs with live performers, church services, petting animals, reading a book from the library and more.
Local Community Group Visits
There are organised visits from local community groups such as volunteers that encourage resident involvement in aged care activities and other planned activities. Therefore, residents continue to feel part of the broader community.
Family and Friends Can Visit
Family and friends are if course welcome to visit your loved one at Narangba Aged Care. The coffee hub is the perfect place to catch-up over a cuppa and look out to the lovely landscaped terrace area.
Activity Areas Within The Home Include:
Coffee hub for meeting family and friends
Private dining room for special occasions
Activities room for art, crafts and lifestyle
Hairdressing salon
Aromatherapy room
Central lounge / dining areas
Large flat screen TVs for movies and sport
Sitting areas
Outdoor courtyards, gardens and terraces
It’s important for residents to have fun and enjoy meaningful activities whilst being cared for within the home. That’s why we offer a range of aged care activities for them to choose from.
Come for a tour! Call Narangba Aged Care on 07 3053 3700 or visit our Contact Us page.


Activities Room
